• Pentingnya pengembangan SDM• Tujuan Pengembangan
• Metode pengembangan
• Prosedur pengembangan
Orienting Employees
• Employee orientation– A procedure for providing new employees with basic
background information about the firm.
• Orientation content
– Information on employee benefits
– Personnel policies
– The daily routine
– Company organization and operations
– Safety measures and regulations
– Facilities tour
Orienting Employees (cont’d)
• A successful orientation should accomplish four things for new employees: – Make them feel welcome and at ease.
– Help them understand the organization in a broad sense.
– Make clear to them what is expected in terms of work and behavior.
– Help them begin the process of becoming socialized into the firm’s ways of acting and doing things.
Orienting Employees (cont’d)
– Work-unit orientation• Membiasakan karyawan baru dengan tujuan unit
• Menjelaskan bagaimana pekerjaannya dapat memberikan kontribusi pada tujuan unit
• Memperkenalkan karyawan baru dengan rekan kerjanya
– Organization orientation
• Menginformasikan tentang tujuan perusahaan, sejarah, filsafat, prosedur dan aturan-aturan dalam organisasi
• Melihat seluruh bagian organisasi
Training & Development
• Tujuan:– Memperbaiki efektifitas kerja untuk mencapai hasil-hasil kerja yang telah ditetapkan
• Dilakukan dengan:
– training/pelatihan -> memperbaiki penguasaan ketrampilan dan teknik-teknik pelaksanaan pekerjaan
– Pengembangan -> peningkatan kemampuan secara lebih luas, sikap, dan kepribadian
The Training Process
• Training– The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.
• The strategic context of training
– Performance management: the process employers use to make sure employees are working toward organizational goals.
• Web-based training
• Distance learning-based training
• Cross-cultural diversity training
The Training and Development Process
• Needs analysis– Identify job performance skills needed, assess prospective trainees skills, and develop objectives.
• Instructional design
– Produce the training program content, including workbooks, exercises, and activities.
• Validation
– Presenting (trying out) the training to a small representative audience.
• Implement the program
– Actually training the targeted employee group.
• Evaluation
– Assesses the program’s successes or failures.
Analyzing Training Needs
• Task analysis– A detailed study of a job to identify the specific skills required, especially for new employees.
• Performance analysis
– Verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether that deficiency should be corrected through training or through some other means (such as transferring the employee).
Training Methods
• On-the-job training (OJT)
– Memberikan pelajaran mengenai pekerjaan melalui pekerjaan yang sebenarnya.
• Metode
– Pelatihan
– Rotasi
– Tugas khusus
• Keuntungan
– Murah
– Adanya umpan balik segera
– Memberikan pelajaran mengenai pekerjaan melalui pekerjaan yang sebenarnya.
• Metode
– Pelatihan
– Rotasi
– Tugas khusus
• Keuntungan
– Murah
– Adanya umpan balik segera
Training Methods (cont’d)
• Magang
– Mengkombinasikan OJT dan instruksi kelas.
• Belajar secara informal
– Belajar dari kegiatan yang dilakukan sehari-hari.
• Job instruction training (JIT)
– Memberikan daftar pekerjaan, kunci dalam melakukan kerja, dan langkah-langkah kerjanya
– Mengkombinasikan OJT dan instruksi kelas.
• Belajar secara informal
– Belajar dari kegiatan yang dilakukan sehari-hari.
• Job instruction training (JIT)
– Memberikan daftar pekerjaan, kunci dalam melakukan kerja, dan langkah-langkah kerjanya
Training Methods (cont’d)
• Literacy training techniques
– Responses to functional illiteracy
• Testing job candidates’ basic skills.
• Setting up basic skills and literacy programs.
• Audiovisual-based training
– To illustrate following a sequence over time.
– To expose trainees to events not easily demonstrable in live lectures.
– To meet the need for organizationwide training and it is too costly to move the trainers from place to place.
– Responses to functional illiteracy
• Testing job candidates’ basic skills.
• Setting up basic skills and literacy programs.
• Audiovisual-based training
– To illustrate following a sequence over time.
– To expose trainees to events not easily demonstrable in live lectures.
– To meet the need for organizationwide training and it is too costly to move the trainers from place to place.
Training Methods (cont’d)
• Simulated training (occasionally called vestibule training)
– Training employees on special off-the-job equipment so training costs and hazards can be reduced.
– Computer-based training (CBT)
– Electronic performance support systems (EPSS)
– Learning portals
– Training employees on special off-the-job equipment so training costs and hazards can be reduced.
– Computer-based training (CBT)
– Electronic performance support systems (EPSS)
– Learning portals
Computer-based Training (CBT)
• Advantages
– Reduced learning time
– Cost-effectiveness
– Instructional consistency
• Types of CBT
– Intelligent Tutoring systems
– Interactive multimedia training
– Virtual reality training
– Reduced learning time
– Cost-effectiveness
– Instructional consistency
• Types of CBT
– Intelligent Tutoring systems
– Interactive multimedia training
– Virtual reality training
Distance and Internet-Based Training
• Teletraining
– A trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via TV hookups.
• Videoconferencing
– Interactively training employees who are geographically separated from each other—or from the trainer—via a combination of audio and visual equipment.
• Training via the Internet
– Using the Internet or proprietary internal intranets to facilitate computer-based training.
– A trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via TV hookups.
• Videoconferencing
– Interactively training employees who are geographically separated from each other—or from the trainer—via a combination of audio and visual equipment.
• Training via the Internet
– Using the Internet or proprietary internal intranets to facilitate computer-based training.
OFF The Job Training
• Of the job training
– Program-program pengembangan eksekutif di universitas-universitas atau lembaga-lembaga pendidikan lainnya, dimana para manajer berpartisipasi dalam program-program yang dibuka untuk umum melalui penggunaan analisa kasus, simulasi dan metodametoda lainnya.
– Latihan laboratorium, di mana seseorang belajar lebih sensitif (peka) terhadap orang lain, lingkungan.
– Pengembangan organisasi, yang menekankan perubahan, pertumbuhan, dan pengembangan keseluruhan organisasi.
– Program-program pengembangan eksekutif di universitas-universitas atau lembaga-lembaga pendidikan lainnya, dimana para manajer berpartisipasi dalam program-program yang dibuka untuk umum melalui penggunaan analisa kasus, simulasi dan metodametoda lainnya.
– Latihan laboratorium, di mana seseorang belajar lebih sensitif (peka) terhadap orang lain, lingkungan.
– Pengembangan organisasi, yang menekankan perubahan, pertumbuhan, dan pengembangan keseluruhan organisasi.
What Is Management Development?
• Management development
– Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills.
• Succession planning
– A process through which senior-level openings are planned for and eventually filled.
– Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills.
• Succession planning
– A process through which senior-level openings are planned for and eventually filled.
Managerial on-the-Job Training
• Job rotation
– Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points.
• Coaching/Understudy approach
– The trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainee’s coaching.
• Action learning
– Management trainees are allowed to work full-time analyzing and solving problems in other departments.
– Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points.
• Coaching/Understudy approach
– The trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainee’s coaching.
• Action learning
– Management trainees are allowed to work full-time analyzing and solving problems in other departments.
Off-the-Job Management Training and
Development Techniques
Development Techniques
• Case study method
– Managers are presented with a description of an organizational problem to diagnose and solve.
• Management game
– Teams of managers compete by making computerized decisions regarding realistic but simulated situations.
• Outside seminars
– Many companies and universities offer Web-based and traditional management development seminars and conferences.
– Managers are presented with a description of an organizational problem to diagnose and solve.
• Management game
– Teams of managers compete by making computerized decisions regarding realistic but simulated situations.
• Outside seminars
– Many companies and universities offer Web-based and traditional management development seminars and conferences.
Off-the-Job Management Training and
Development Techniques (cont’d)
Development Techniques (cont’d)
• Role playing
– Creating a realistic situation in which trainees assume the roles of persons in that situation.
• Behavior modeling
– Modeling: showing trainees the right (or “model”) way of doing something.
– Role playing: having trainees practice that way
– Social reinforcement: giving feedback on the trainees’ performance.
– Transfer of learning: Encouraging trainees apply their skills on the job.
– Creating a realistic situation in which trainees assume the roles of persons in that situation.
• Behavior modeling
– Modeling: showing trainees the right (or “model”) way of doing something.
– Role playing: having trainees practice that way
– Social reinforcement: giving feedback on the trainees’ performance.
– Transfer of learning: Encouraging trainees apply their skills on the job.
Off-the-Job Management Training and
Development Techniques (cont’d)
Development Techniques (cont’d)
• Corporate universities
– Provides a means for conveniently coordinating all the company’s training efforts and delivering Web-based modules that cover topics from strategic management to mentoring.
• In-house development centers
– A company-based method for exposing prospective managers to realistic exercises to develop improved management skills.
– Provides a means for conveniently coordinating all the company’s training efforts and delivering Web-based modules that cover topics from strategic management to mentoring.
• In-house development centers
– A company-based method for exposing prospective managers to realistic exercises to develop improved management skills.
Off-the-Job Management Training and
Development Techniques (cont’d)
Development Techniques (cont’d)
• Executive coaches
– An outside consultant who questions the executive’s boss, peers, subordinates, and (sometimes) family in order to identify the executive’s strengths and weaknesses.
– Counsels the executive so he or she can capitalize on those strengths and overcome the weaknesses.
– An outside consultant who questions the executive’s boss, peers, subordinates, and (sometimes) family in order to identify the executive’s strengths and weaknesses.
– Counsels the executive so he or she can capitalize on those strengths and overcome the weaknesses.